“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” – Leo Burnett
If you asked Linda Hermon, designer at Minnesota Cabinets for 10 years, if she always knew that she wanted to be a designer, the answer would be no. All she knew was that she would thrive in anything that had a creative outlet, whether landscaping, catering, photography, or even baking. It was in college at Iowa State University that she was drawn to ‘spatial arrangement,’ which led her to a degree in interior design. Linda combines the languages of architecture, interior design, landscape conception and service design to communicate design intentions.

When assisting clients in either a new build or renovation, Linda focuses as much on the aesthetics as on how the end product will impact the way they live today. In a world where time is key, her goal is to create efficient and functional spaces in regards to the ‘flow’ of a room. While working with clients on a remodel, Linda brings the much-desired ‘open concept’ by re-envisioning a closed-off space. Linda’s personal design taste leans toward a contemporary style as she appreciates “the order of it.”

Her hobbies include baking and macro photography:Linda gains inspiration from fashion, color, and patterns, while keeping a keen eye when in restaurants, hotels and furniture stores. She stays on trend by perusing trade magazines and various product/design websites. Her work is managed around being a wife and mother to two teenage boys. And don’t forget the beloved family pet, Charlie!
Linda and her family enjoy traveling and are proud to say she has visited all 50 states! She hesitantly admits that her secret passion in another life would have been to become a professional race car driver. Based on her abilities as a top-notch designer, look out Danica Patrick!

Come visit with Linda and let her create your dream space.
Linda Hermon can be reached at linda@minnesotacabinets.com or by phone 515-554-2530.