In case you haven't noticed ... brass has made a huge comeback as an 'it' finish! And we aren't talking about the shiny gold finishes of the 1980's! Brass is an alloy (a mix of two metals) made of copper and zinc. The in-demand brass-look of the moment is a pale yellowish hue, coveted for appearing like a tone-down, reticent version of gold.

Designers are doing an about-face from silver metallics by plunging head first into brass. Brass in the way of an unlacquered 'living' finish to allow for oxidizing and natural transformation.
Organically speaking, if you love to watch a material patinate then you definitely will be attracted to the warmth of brass. The new muted luster brass is very sophisticated and warm.

Using this updated brass in lighting, hardware, art and accent pieces can make subtle changes with long-lasting effects!